2025 Official Visitor Guide Advertising Opportunities
Click on the cover to see the most recent edition.

- 350K total reach including pass-along readership and digital audience
- Visitors spend over $1.3 billion which supports $2.4 billion in total economic impact
- Average reader is a leisure traveler between the ages of 24-65 with income of $49K+
- Louisville Muhammad Ali International Airport
- Kentucky International Convention Center & the Kentucky Expo Center
- Louisville Visitor Center
- City Information Booths
- Regional Welcome Centers
- 75+ Hotels & Attractions
- Local Real Estate Offices
- Mailed to travelers prior to their visit
- High resolution PDF
- CMYK or grayscale
- Fonts converted to outlines
- Photos & graphics must be provided
- Proof must accompany each ad
- All images must be 300 dpi at actual size
- Export your ad as a high-resolution PDF without safety, trim and other printer marks
- Convert all colors to CMKY
- QR Codes must be 100% black
- It is best to generate QR codes in InDesign (or similar design software) to ensure that they are processed black only
- Rich black or other multiple plate colors risk registration problems and may not be scannable
- Make sure your ad size meets the specs outlined below
- Keep all text inside the live/safe area outlined below
- Make sure artwork/background colors meet the full bleed as outlined below

Premium Covers and Full-page Ads:
- Four-color and must include bleed
- Ad size is 8.5” x 11” with a .125” bleed (8.75” x 11.25”)
- Costs:
- Premium Covers - $10,000
- Full Page - $7,500
Half-Page Ads:
- All half-page ads are four-color
- Bleed ad size is 8.5” x 5.25” with a .125” bleed (8.75” x 5.5”)
- Non-bleed ad sizes are 7.5” x 4.5”
- Cost:
- Half Page Ad - $5,000
We cannot accept Word Documents or Publisher files as ads.
Deadline November 1, 2024
Payment is expected upon receipt of the printed 2025 Official Visitor Guide with your advertisement inclusion.
All ads submitted are pending approval from Louisville Tourism. View advertising terms and conditions here.
Questions? Contact Melissa Sparks at 502-560-0015 or msparks@gotolouisville.com.